Christmas help for Omenia

Kerst donaties voor de kinderen in de noodopvang Omenia


Hi,dear Livius and friends !

I have now all names and pictures from presents we did last December

for Christmas. In a few days I ,Alexandra,my nephew Rares and three ladies from Omenia had to buy and make presents for Christmas.

Ten of them we gave at Center of Omenia from Tg.Neamt.

Other  ten we gave to children from Omenia who learn at school nr.5 also from Tg.Neamt .

last Ten  we went to their families and gave all we hbought to them. Ladies from Omenia were very useful for that because they knew exactly what the children had need mostly.

As you can see we also bought a tableta to three of children from Omenia but  they belong from the same family,Chiper Maria from Dumbrava-Timisesti.

Many children and families sent you their gratitude,thanks and good wishes for new year 2021 ! First of all I,my family and father Cretu , we all wish you and to people who contributed for the presents a good health and nice realisations on your desires. God bless you all !

Father Cretu bless you too from the church.

He announced also in the church about your contribution for this year and many other times you did it.

Have a good year and good health ,the most important for our days!

KInd regards and all gratitudine from the three of us too !

In friendship,Geta

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